On-the-Spot Recognition

July 18, 2012 | By
On-the-spotEmployees won’t wait until their annual performance review to be recognized and rewarded for doing good work or exhibiting key behaviors and neither should you.  In our uncertain economic times, one of the greatest challenges leaders face is maintaining a workplace culture where employees are motivated, engaged and perform to their fullest potential.  On-the-spot recognition should be recognition given as close to the event as possible. This creates a positive work environment that encourages improved performance.  Spontaneous, on-the-spot recognition has been shown in studies to increase employee engagement, decrease turnover, and motivate employees while building a positive culture based on respect, recognition and an overall commitment to excellence.

Here are three simple ways to give on-the-spot recognition:

Use Tokens – You Rock On-The-Spot Recognition Reward Tokens can be used as instant recognition for a job well done.  Distribute tokens to staff as positive reinforcement.  Let employees trade in tokens for other rewards.  Make a list of incentives they can cash in on rewards such as new office supplies, a casual day, leave work early one day, etc.

Put it in Writing – Certificates provide meaningful recognition.  Make sure to personalize the certificate by writing in the employee’s name and the reason why they are being recognized.

Treats – Use our WOW (Wonderful Outstanding Worker) Treat Kit to thank outstanding employees for a job well done.  A treat pack includes candy and a gift card with verses of praise to match like a Nestle Crunch “for being so helpful in a crunch!”

For more ideas for on-the-spot recognition check out our products online and get stocked up with small gifts and tools to keep appreciation fresh!

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